The story of Dagger Debs starts in 2011. Back then, Laura and Letty played together in an all-girl Beat/Garage band called The Neasden Bees. Time marched onwards and in 2014 Thee Jezebels were born. Following a tour of Spain and gigs across the U.K. they built up a fan base and released their debut single Black Book/Cried Over You followed by a four-track E.P. Mover and a Groover on State Records.
After a line-up alteration, Thee Dagger Debs formed with a new drummer, and were promptly snapped up by Damaged Goods Records. The band’s mutual love of all things pub-rock, glam, proto-punk and rhythm ’n’ blues unifies their sound. With lyrics discussing misogyny, love, liars and cheats, along with the storming all-nighter tune 8 while 10, their live shows entertain from start to finish.
Romeo Spy is a greasy punk rock and roll band based in London.
DJs are Pablo Colorado and Karl Crash.
Doors 20:00
Romeo Spy 20:45
Thee Dagger Debs 21:45
DJs until 04:00